27-29 June 2022
Messe Wien Exhibition Congress Center


Building businesses tomorrow means seizing opportunities today.

We are looking forward to all meeting together at our Global Leadership Conference in Vienna!

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to rethink the way we live and work. It has transformed the sectors we work with and how we do business with them. It has intensified social and environmental crises in our communities.

So, together, during three days, we will take the time to reconnect, to learn from each other, to share our experiences of the past two years and discuss our plans for the future so that our business can thrive today, and build for tomorrow.


See you in Vienna!

The Global Conference 2022 is now open for business on-site. Use the platform to prepare your event: see who’s participating, check your travel information, review the agenda and prepare to meet and connect in person in Vienna.

Have you registered your travel information?  Click here to complete your requirements or edit your booking.

Conference Timings

  • Please plan to be in Vienna for our Welcome Dinner on Sunday June 26th at 6pm
  • The Conference will take place on Monday June 27th, Tuesday June 28th and Wednesday June 29th
  • The Conference will end at approximately 2pm on Wednesday June 29th